I'll teach you in 7 days how to make $100,000

How to be the Best Salesman and make incredible Money w/o a Harvard Degree is more than a Book, it could change your life and career forever!

There are 3 D's that you must follow each day, one step at a time. Write these down and practice them.




This not Rocket Science, and you do not need a Harvard Degree to do this. If you follow my 7 Days $100,000 Career Book you'll be there Honestly!

If you are intent upon changing your life as I Did many years ago. YOU are the one who must make that decision , not someone else. That's why I spoke at Colleges, High schools, Businesses, and Coached High School Baseball for over 25 yrs. The common denominator was Goal Setting, and Achieving those Goals. Ultimately I made a lot of Money along the way, while not even seeking it. That's why YOU are in Charge of Your Destiny!